Old, vintage, historical book archives at the Morwell Historical Society


A Journey in Time – A Resource for Local History


Snippets A to Z

  • Agricultural and Pastoral Society Morwell – Re-established at a meeting held on 1st. May 1945
  • Aherin, C.R. – Manager Bank of Australasia, 1894-1923, treasurer of Morwell Golf Club 1908, treasurer Morwell Bowling Club 1913
  • Alexandra Park – Narrow strip of land between railway line and Commercial Road, in vicinity of Commercial Road primary school. Site of Morwell’s first bowling club (1913), swimming pool (1925)
  • Ambulance Service – Established 8th. June 1949
  • Apex Club Morwell – Received its Charter on Friday 23rd. June 1950, went into recess end of 1999
  • Arts Centre – Opened in 1971
  • Australian Char Pty. Ltd. – Plant established in Morwell, 1969-70
  • Australian Natives Association – Established their branch in Morwell on Tuesday, 16th. August 1892.
  • Australian Postal Institute Hall – Opened in Hazelwood Road in 1956
  • Bank of Australasia – Established in Commercial Road circa. 1888, Mr. E.W. Boake was the first Manager
  • Baptist Church – Building in McDonald Street officially opened on 26th. April 1952
  • Bennett’s Creek School – School No. 2202, opened 27th. October 1879, closed 1903
  • Butter Factory – Opened in July 1891, taken over by Wood & Company Pty. Ltd. in 1899, with Mr. A. A. Brown as manager. Burnt down in April 1929, the factory was situated at the eastern end of Commercial Road, approx 1 mile from Railway station
  • Catholic Church – First building was in George St. 1881, Commercial Road site since 1902 (presbytery built in 1895 at Commercial Road)
  • Chamber of Commerce – Formed in January 1946, evolved from Morwell Traders Association
  • Chemist – One of Morwell’s first chemists was Mr. Frederick Russell, April 1882
  • Church of Christ – Building in Winifred Street was dedicated on Saturday 8th. November 1952
  • Church of England – First building was in Chapel St. 7th. Feb. 1886, the commemorative stone for the building in Latrobe Road was laid by Miss Emma Bridle in 1959
  • Churchill School – (No. 4970) Established February 1968
  • Churchill North School – Opened in February 1976
  • Coles Variety Store – Opened at No.3 Tarwin Street at 9 am on Thursday, 10th. August 1950. The first manager was Mr. Norman Cornall
  • Collins Street School – (No. 4655) Opened on 30th. April 1951, closed on 18th. December 1992
  • Colonial / National Bank – Established in Commercial Road November 1884, new two-storey building constructed in 1888. First Manager was Mr. Henry McIntosh
  • Commercial Bank of Australia Ltd – Opened at 222 Commercial Road on March 30th. 1950, Mr. A. G. Colebrook was the first manager
  • Commonwealth Bank – Morwell branch officially opened on Monday, 29th. October 1951. Mr. L. E. Hayne, first Manager
  • Country Women’s Association – The Morwell Branch was formed on 4th. March 1941
  • Courthouse – The Courthouse in Morwell was officially opened on Thursday 7th. March 1957, by the Chief Secretary of Victoria Mr. A. G. Rylah, (later Sir Arthur Rylah)
  • Cricket Club – formed on 10th October 1879 at Murdoch’s Cricketers’ Hotel
  • Cricketer’s Arms Hotel – Established on Hazelwood Road corner in 1878, closed down on 31st. December 1930
  • Crinigan Road School – (No.4692) Opened in July 1957
  • Derham’s Hill School – (No. 4684) Opened on 14th. February 1951, closed 4th. October 1954
  • Doctor – Morwell’s first resident doctor was Dr. W. Moir, he arrived in town in May 1889
  • Donaldson’s Store – Situated on west corner of Tarwin and Commercial, it operated under the Donaldson name from 1879 until 1894
  • Driffield School – School No. 2433, opened on November 1st. 1881, de-commissioned in December 1982
  • Drive-in Theatre – Opened in 1956, situated in Latrobe Road
  • E. S. & A. Bank – Opened their Morwell Branch on January 2nd. 1957, located at 13 Church Street. The first Manager was Mr. Colin Birrell
  • Elizabeth Wilmot Kindergarten – Well Street Opened on Monday 31st. May 1965
  • Ericsson L. M. Pty Ltd – Established in Morwell (old La Mode site) in August 1967, extensions to plant completed in 1970, plant ceased operations in 1988
  • Fire Station – Present fire station opened on Friday July 17th. 1953, first station opened in February 1917, near Church Street level crossing
  • Fletcher Jones Store – Ceased trading on Monday 13th. November 2000
  • Football Club – Established in 1882
  • Gas services – Town supply introduced into Morwell on July 23rd. 1959
  • Gilbert, Charles Oxtoby – 1830-1888 Owner of Morwell’s first General Store 1878
  • Golf Club – Established in Sept. 1908, present site 1976
  • Good Neighbour Council – Established on Monday 30th. June 1952
  • Great Morwell Coal Co. – Established on 19th. October 1888
  • Great Morwell School – No. 3115, established 25th. August 1891, closed 30th. April 1895. Teachers: 1891-1892- Annie Galvin, 1892-1895- Joel Carrington
  • Green’s Drapery Store – Situated in Tarwin Street(Davies and Moller today) it opened in 1878 under the ownership of John Green
  • Hall, John – 1866-1929 Business man and Builder/ Contractor, also Major in 16th. Light Horse unit in Morwell, Shire President on five occasions, owner of Hall’s Universal Emporium
  • Hazelwood Cemetery – Established on ten acres of Crown Land on 7th. April 1879
  • Hazelwood Estate School – school No. 4326, opened 8th. November 1926
  • Hazelwood North School – School No. 2382, established July 1881
  • Hazelwood Power Station – Construction commenced in October 1959, final stage commissioned in March 1970
  • Hazelwood Railway Station – Opened 1st. February 1888, closed to all traffic on 22nd. September 1953
  • Hazelwood Ridge School – School No. 1768, opened October 1876, closed in December 1944. Hazelwood Ridge was the first school in the Morwell District
  • Hazelwood South School – No. 3350 Opened on 1st. January 1900, originally called Eel Hole Creek school
  • Hazelwood Station – Established by William Bennett and his brother-in-law Albert Brodribb in October 1844
  • Helping Hand Association – Morwell Auxiliary established in November 1957
  • High School – Morwell – Established on 7th. February 1956, for the first twelve months the school was housed in Grey St. Traralgon
  • Hotels – Club Hotel / McKay’s / Centre ClubFitzpatrick’s / Murdoch’s / Barry’sLatrobe Valley / Merton Rush Morwell HotelMorwell Hotel / Motel Railway / Collyer’s / Cricketer’s Arms
  • Hoyle, John Barton – 1860-1921 Land Agent, secretary for Great Morwell Coal Mining Company, he was active in establishing Morwell’s war memorial, he died on the day of its unveiling, 6th. June
  • Infant Welfare Centre – Opened in 1929
  • Irving, John – 1856-1894 Morwell School’s first teacher 1879-1884, arrived in Morwell on very first train from Princes Bridge, 2nd. April 1879
  • Kelleher, Edmond – 1850-1911 Hotel keeper,(Club Hotel) served on Morwell’s first council, shire president 1894-95, 95-96
  • Kleine’s Butchery – Established in Commercial Road by Thomas Klein in 1893
  • La Mode Industries – Opened in July 1945, closed July 1965
  • Land Surveys – Land Surveys took place in Morwell in January 1878, October 1878 and October 1882, first sale of allotments took place on 14th. January 1879
  • Latrobe Regional Hospital – Established in August 1998
  • Latrobe Valley Aero Club – Established on 14th. September 1949
  • Latrobe Valley Ambulance Service – Established in Morwell in June 1949
  • Latrobe Valley Bus Lines – Headquarters established in Morwell in 1962
  • Latrobe Valley Drive-In – Established in March 1965, situated on Princes Highway
  • Latrobe Valley Hospitals and Health Services Association – Established in Morwell 1950, building revamped in 1965, cost 60,000. New building opened on 19th. November
  • Latrobe Valley Hotel – Merton Rush Opened on Monday 7th. July 1958, situated corner. Collins St. and Princes Highway
  • Latrobe Valley Water and Sewerage Board – Formed in 1954, took over control of Morwell’s water supply in 1962
  • Lionel Rose Centre – Established in 1969
  • Lurgi Gas Plant – Officially opened on 5th. December 1956 by the Duke of Edinburgh, the plant ceased production on November 26th. 1969.A serious explosion occurred at the plant on 13th. May 1964, 2 workers died as a result
  • Maryvale High – Established 1966, based in grounds of Morwell High School until 1969, the school was originally to be known as Morwell East High
  • Maryvale Private Hospital – 40 bed hospital, established in 1990
  • Maryvale Ridge School – School No. 1939, opened on 17th. August 1877, closed on 31st. May 1879,the only teacher was Miss Zenna McCrory
  • Maya Theatre – Opened in Buckley Street on Friday 6th. April 1956. Closed on 31st. May 1962
  • Masonic Hall – Foundation stone laid on 28th. January 1927
  • McCrory, Zenna – 1860-1901 First teacher at Maryvale Ridge school in 1877, married John Rintoull in April 1879
  • McRoberts Store – McRoberts Hardware, Seed and Grain store opened in 1924 in Commercial Road
  • Mechanic’s Institute – Built circa 1880, revamped December 1906, burnt down Thursday 10th. January 1935
  • Methodist / Uniting Church – St. Luke’s – First building was situated at Church St., and Station Street corner. from 1883. The last service held at this site occurred on Sunday 17th. September 1950. Church building was then re-located to present site (Princes Hwy.) in late September. Re-opened on November 26th. 1950. New brick church opened Saturday 17th. October 1953
  • Mid-Valley Shopping Centre – Opened for trading on 7th. September 1982, joint owners: Lustig & Moar, and the Grollo Group
  • Mills Store – D.C. Mills took over Hall’s store circa 1927 (corner Commercial and Tarwin)
  • Morwell Bowling Club – Formed in 1913, situated at Alexandra Park, present site (1998) from 1949
  • Morwell Brass Band – The first Town Band was established on 9th. July 1887
  • Morwell Club – (bowling) Formed in 1969
  • Morwell Co-op – Opened in Wallace St. in 1955
  • Morwell District Squatting Stations – Hazelwood, Maryvale, Merton Rush, Scrubby Forest
  • Morwell Hotel – Situated on corner Commercial Road and Tarwin Street, Commonwealth Bank site today. Established circa 1878, demolished to make way for Post Office of 1892
  • Morwell Hotel / Motel – Established in 1968
  • Morwell North School – No. 2621, opened 1st. September 1884, closed 24th. June 1892, reopened 18th. June 1900
  • Morwell Park School – school No. (4975), opened 3rd. February 1969
  • Morwell School – (No. 2136) Officially opened on 3rd. April 1879
  • Morwell Shire – Proclaimed on 27th. May 1892, first elections: August 25th. First Council meeting 14th. Sept., held in Mechanics Hall
  • Morwell Squash Courts – Opened by Mr. J. C. M. Balfour, Minister for Lands, 25th. September 1964
  • Morwell Traders Association – Established in 1936/37
  • Murdoch, William – Morwell Businessman and owner of Murdoch’s Hotel, a Justice of the Peace and elected to Morwell’s first Council in 1892
  • Newspapers – First paper, MORWELL AND MIRBOO GAZETTE, published on 6th. October 1885, Morwell Advertiser from 1887 (The Advertiser began on 30th. October 1886 under the title: Morwell Advocate & Boolarra & Mirboo Chronicle)
  • Paddle Brothers Shoes P/L – Opened their factory in Morwell on 15th. March 1965, the factory was located in Ellen Street. The first Manager was Mr. Harry Digby
  • Police – The first policeman in Morwell was Mounted Constable William Savage, he commenced his duties in June 1879
  • Post Office – Present Post Office (corner Church and Princes Hwy.) built 1955
  • Presbyterian Church – St. Andrew’s – First building was situated in Elgin St., opened on Sunday Nov. 21st. 1886, present site ( Church Street ) 1960-61, building officially opened on 18th.
  • March 1961 – Church Hall opened on March 23rd. 1986
  • Purvis Stores – The first Purvis Store in Morwell was established in 1931
  • Quigley, John – 1833-1908 Owner of Morwell’s first business, circa 1877 ( store, hotel and butcher )
  • R.S.L. Hall – Opened on Sunday September 20th. 1953 by Major-General Clive S. Steele
  • Railways – Morwell-Sale opened 1st June 1877, Melbourne-Morwell opened 2nd. April 1879,
  • Railways Morwell-Mirboo – opened 7th. January 1886 ( closed June 1974, passenger services ceased 7th. September 1968 ). Morwell Railway Station refurbished in 1962, the new building was opened on 8th. September.
  • Rintoull, John – 1851-1936 Morwell’s first Blacksmith, his premises were located in Commercial Road
  • Rotary Club of Morwell – Established on 31st. July 1945. Charter presented on 12th. March 1946
  • Sharpe’s Drapery Store – Established in Commercial Road in 1924, ceased trading in 1984
  • Smith, Peter Jeremiah – 1811-1873 Established a hotel at Morwell Bridge in 1858
  • St. Vincent’s – Catholic Church-Morwell East Opened in December 1971, situated at the corner of Barry and Hunt streets Morwell East. The church was built by Mr. John Malone of Morwell at a cost of $ 84,000
  • State Savings Bank of Vic. – Morwell branch opened for business on May 10th. 1917. The first Manager was Mr. Aubrey C. Stranger
  • Supermarket – First supermarket (Purvis) opened in Buckley St. May 1958
  • Swimming Pool – First pool established in Alexandra Park 1925, Olympic Pool (McDonald Street) opened on November 6th. 1956
  • T. R. B. Morwell – Gippsland Regional Headquarters transferred from Warragul to Morwell in 1952. New Headquarters building constructed in 1972
  • Technical School – Established February 1959
  • Telephone Services – Trunk line from Sale introduced in 1908, Morwell exchange established 1910, automatic exchange from 1955
  • Television – GLV 10 commenced transmission in 1961
  • Tennis Club – Established in 1888
  • Titles Office – Opened in Morwell in 1959, closed October 1998
  • Tobruk Street School – School No. (4680) opened on 2nd. February 1954
  • Town Hall – Opened by Governor of Victoria (Lord Huntingfield) on 27th. October 1936
  • Tulloch, William – 1849-1919 Builder / Contractor, built Club Hotel and Murdoch’s Hotel, floated Great Morwell Coal Mining Co. in October 1888
  • War Memorial – Morwell Unveiled on Monday 6th. June 1921, situated near Church St. level crossing, see Hoyle J.B. Since its unveiling the Memorial has been moved to different positions within the town, the present (1998) site is opposite the R. S. L. on the corner of Tarwin and Elgin Streets
  • War Memorial – Yinnar Unveiled on 1st. December 1920
  • Woolworths Variety Store – The Woolworths store at 202-204 Commercial Road opened for trading on Thursday, 25th. August 1955. The first store manager was Mr. R. V. Zuccala
  • Yinnar School – No. 2419 Established 22nd. August 1881
  • Yinnar South School – No. 2730 This school was opened on the 11th. January 1886