A selection of images from the book “Glimpses Of Our Past”
Published by Morwell Historical Society in 1989 ~ available for sale in our Bookshop

Australian Paper Manufacturers built a number of houses in Morwell for mill workers.
A.P.M. houses under construction, looking up Vincent Road, November 1947

A.P.M. houses under construction, looking down Booth Street, 1947

A.P.M. transit cottages, Derham’s Hill, late 1940s. These cottages provided temporary accommodation for APM workers and their families during the post-war housing shortage

Princes Highway, looking east from near the site of the present Post Office, 1940s.
An interesting feature is the lack of houses on the hill in the background

Princes Highway, looking west from the railway crossing and near Church Street, 1940s. Gude’s, Trembath’s and Henderson’s garages on the right.

Eastern end of Commercial Road, 1940s, from the railway level crossing at Church Street.

Station Street 1915 Now Princes Highway Morwell showing railway buildings.

Morwell Railway Station in the early days.

Aerial map of Morwell 1950