Newsletter Volume 13 1974
- No.1 February 1974
- Latrobe Valley Historical Societies – Early Programme for 1974
- Membership List
- Obituary – Mrs. Ellen Meadows
- Morwell in 1905 (Cyclopedia of Victoria 1905)
- Men of Morwell 1905
- Arthur Wellesley Pitt
- John Hall
- Thomas Watson
- Dr. Julian Smith
- George Watson
- Walter Edney
- George Bolding
- Robert Porter
- William Tulloch
- A. A. Brown
- Thomas Kleine
- J. B. Hoyle
- Boolarra in 1905
- Citizens of Boolarra
- W.P. Christian
- S. Hartmann
- T. D. Latter
- T. Scanlan
- A Street Directory of Morwell in 1905
- No. 2 May 1974
- Obituary
- Mr. O. S. Martin
- The Mirboo North – Morwell Railway Line
- Cemeteries
- The Hazelwood Cemetery Morwell
- Burials 1879 to 1930
- Obituary
- No.3. August 1974
- Democracy
- The People of Early Morwell
- The Country Folk
- The Towns-people
- The School Children of 1879
- Police
- Station-masters
- “The Gippsland Times” of 1879
- Morwell Items
- No. 4 September 1974
- The Morwell Post Office
- The Churches of Morwell
- The Roman Catholic Church
- The Methodist Church
- The Church of England
- The Presbyterian Church