Old, vintage, historical book archives at the Morwell Historical Society

Newsletter August 1988

A Journey in Time – A Resource for Local History

Newsletter August 1988

August 1988 Vol 4 No. 8

  1. “Morwell Bridge” opened at Morwell Civic Centre
  2. Mechanics Institutes
  3. Incorporation details
  4. Memorial Bridge
  5. Who am I?
  6. Letter re Mechanics Institutes and Free Libraries
  7. Map of Tasmania
  8. Settling in Tasmania, Ron McPhee part 1 by Eric Lubcke
  9. 1988 Australia’s Bicentennial Year – Morwell and District
  10. Morwell in the Fifties, by Perc Mooney
  11. Morwell and District in the Fifties, by J Cafiso