Old, vintage, historical book archives at the Morwell Historical Society

Newsletter May 2016

A Journey in Time – A Resource for Local History

Newsletter May 2016

May 2016 Vol 35 No. 3

  1. Front cover image – View from Catholic Church tower west along Commercial Road 1934
  2. Directory
  3. Guess the locations
    Morwell house
    Stark tree
    WR Stephenson
  4. A chance to recall earlier times
  5. Latrobe Valley Pioneers – Deppler/Nadenbousch Family Reunion Report
  6. Snippets from our Committee Meeting
  7. Remember Cox Bros retail store?
  8. Glossary of long ago words in our everyday language
  9. Pictorial page of the 1944 fires from “The Australian”
  10. Memories of Church Street explosion March 17 1991
  11. From Our Morwell Issues File